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Kevin Levrone Signature Series Shaaboom Pump Shot Pre-Workout Complex was created so you don't waste time preparing energy drinks by mixing powders with water. Now you have everything at hand in one bottle!

Shaaboom Pump Shot is designed to help you overcome your own limits in strength and endurance. It will certainly be interesting to see the immediate effect of this pre-workout supplement, because based on the ingredients and dosages used, it is one of the strongest, if not the strongest nitric oxide donors!

Shaaboom Pump Shot Benefits:

  • enhances vascularization of blood flow in the muscles (pumping);
  • increases energy;
  • improves focus and concentration;
  • increases endurance;
  • accelerates the transport of nutrients and oxygen;
  • reduces the accumulation of lactic acid;
  • removes free radicals from active muscles;
  • does not contain sugar.

Composition for 120 ml:

  • Beta Alanine - 3200 mg
  • Citrulline - 3000 mg
  • Arginine AKG - 2000 mg
  • Taurine - 2000 mg
  • Caffeine anhydrous - 400 mg
  • Glucuronolactone - 250 mg
  • Whey Protein Isolate 50 mg

Recommendations for use:

Take 1 serving twice a day (1 serving = 30 ml). Shake well before use. Do not exceed the recommended daily allowance.

Pre-workout supplements

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Kevin Levrone Series

Kevin Levrone Series

The Kevin Levrone Signature Series of Sports Nutrition is a revolutionary nutritional supplement that I, Kevin Levrone, was directly involved in creating. What makes the products of my signature line Levrone Signature Series stand out among the many... Read more...
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