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% Protein
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All the features

MuscleMeds Carnivor is the world's first beef protein isolate that's 350% more nutritious than steak. Contains creatine. The secret new beef protein technology that Kai Greene used to build muscle and with which he won the ARNOLD CLASSIC in 2009!

- The world's first beef protein isolate, 350% more nutritious than regular steak and much richer than whey protein!

- Works in accordance with Anabolic Nitrogen Retention Technology (ANRT), which helps prolong amino acid utilization and minimizes ammonia production in the body, which is essential for better muscle growth!

- Carnivor is the only protein with this technology capable of reclaiming amino acids back into the anabolic muscle building mechanism, decreasing ammonia production and promoting muscle growth and quality.

- Contains 20 times more creatine than a regular steak!
- Fortified with BCAAs to increase anabolic and anti-catabolic effects!

product-banner carnivor 54

Kai Greene worked closely with MuscleMeds researchers as a test subject to create this formula in order to make it publicly available. The success of the experiments led to a revolution in the field of the most important product - protein. When evaluating Kai Green's protein intake, MuscleMeds researchers noted that Kai's muscle growth with beef was much higher than with whey or casein supplements. On the one hand, Kai ate 300 to 450 grams of beef per day and showed excellent muscle gain, on the other hand, eating large amounts of meat caused stomach upset and increased consumption and blood cholesterol levels above what the researchers at MuscleMeds suggested. These facts led to the development of CARNIVOR , the world's first beef protein isolate, which later proved to be a key factor in Kai's ability to build even more muscle and become the king of the Arnold Classic . Created using the latest advanced extraction technologies, och Cleaning the hydrolysis and isolation Beef Protein Isolate CARNIVOR delivers the muscle building power of beef with higher amino acid levels than all other protein sources that are part of protein supplements: whey, soy, milk and eggs. CARNIVOR Beef Protein Isolate contains 350% more anabolic amino acids for muscle building than the best sirloin steak! And it does not contain cholesterol and other fats! Anabolic technology nitrogen retention (Anabolic Nitrogen Retention Technology- ANRT) involves an amino acid back into anabolic cycle and minimizes the production of ammonia: ANRT - a major breakthrough in the construction of muscle protein supplementation. Paradoxically, it is true that while protein is the basis of muscle growth, increased protein levels can in some cases impair muscle properties and slow muscle growth if protein breakdown products such as ammonia are not reclaimed or neutralized in anabolic muscle building processes. another way. ANRT is a specially developed technology designed to re-engage amino acids in muscle protein synthesis and prevent the formation of toxic products such as ammonia. The following ANRT factors are included in Carnivor: GKG (glutamine alpha ketoglutarate), OKG (ornithine alpha ketoglutarate), AKG (alpha ketoglutarate), and KIC (alpha ketoglutarate).is the only protein with this technology capable of reclaiming amino acids back into the anabolic processes of muscle building, thereby promoting muscle growth and performance. 20 times more creatine than steak: One of the benefits of eating beef is its high creatine content. Beef is one of the best sources of natural creatine. To kick-start anabolic processes and increase muscle cell volume, each serving of CARNIVOR delivers 20 times more creatine to the muscles than beef steak. Supplemental BCAAs for Increased Anabolic and Anti-Catabolic Effects: To maximize the anabolic effect of CARNIVOR , the purest beef isolate, its formula contains additional BCAAs, BCAAs with Branched Chain Amino Acids. The increase in BCAA levels promotes a positive nitrogen balance, improves protein synthesis, reduces catabolism, improves muscle performance and reduces fatigue. MuscleMeds' massive research into Beef Isolate has developed a product that delivers amazing muscle gains while still containing 99% Pharmaceutical Protein!

The relationship between purity, bioavailability and muscle growth: Different protein sources have different nutritional values depending on their biochemical composition. The quality of muscle building with the help of a protein product directly depends on its absorption, bioavailability, purity and activity of the amino acids it contains. CARNIVOR is a pure, highly active, 100% absorbable and bioavailable product, whose amino acid profile provides the best indicators of recovery, endurance and muscle growth! In practical terms, this means a powerful protein product, 100% digestible and completely bioavailable, with an amino acid profile that provides the best muscle growth, recovery and endurance. By observing Kai Green during periods of various protein intake, MuscleMeds researchers noted that Kai achieved better muscle growth during the period of consumption of beef than during consumption of casein or whey protein. Kai ate 3 to 4.5 kg of beef a day, but eating high amounts of meat made him upset his stomach and raised blood cholesterol levels. This is the reason for the development of the world's first beef protein isolate - CARNIVOR .

Build muscle with CARNIVOR ! Secret technology has become available!

Serving Contents - 1 Scoop = 33g:

Calories 116

Calories from fat

Total Fat 0 g

Saturated Fat 0 g

Trans fat 0 g

Cholesterol 0 mg

Total Carbohydrates 6 g

Dietary fiber 0 g

Sugar 0 g

Protein 23 g

Vitamin A (from beef protein) 2547 IU

Vitamin C (from beef protein) 25 mg

Thiamin (from beef protein) 0.1 mg

Riboflavin (from beef protein) 0.2 mg

Nicotinic Acid (from Beef Protein) 8.2 mg

Vitamin B6 (from beef protein) 6.5 mg

Vitamin B12 (from beef protein) 100 mcg

Calcium (from Beef Protein) 23 mg

Phosphorus (from Beef Protein) 20 mg

Magnesium (from beef protein) 2 mg

Potassium (from beef protein) 6 mg

Ingredients: CARNIVOR-BPI ™ (Hydrolyzed Beef Protein Isolate, Creatine Monohydrate, BCAAs (Leucine, L-Valine, L-Isoleucine), Anabolic Nitrogen Retention Technology ™ Matrix: Glutamine Alpha Ketoglutarate, Ornithine Alpha Ketogluate Hydroisolate, Alfaketogluate Hydrate and Alfaketoglurate Hydrolate Alfacrolate and Alfaketoglurate lecithin, citric acid, natural and artificial flavors, acesulfame potassium, color, sucralose.

Recommendations for use:

Take 1-2 scoops with 250-300 ml of liquid. Drink 1-3 times daily or as needed to meet your protein needs. The whites may foam after mixing.

You can buy Carnivor from MuscleMeds in the sports nutrition store SPRTLIFE.DP.UA


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% Protein
до 70%
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Weight of packing
up to 2kg
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MUSCLEMEDS - the latest technology. The science. Act. This is a new era in sports nutrition. MuscleMeds Performance Technologies represents the peak in the world of sports supplements, cutting-edge technology using a pharmaceutical approach to produc... Read more...
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