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Ultimate Nutrition
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USA% Protein
до 50%When it comes to nutrition, breast milk is the best first food.
Over 20 years of research has shown that breast milk is great for nourishing the body and contains enough fatty acids, water, protein and amino acids for optimal health, immune defense, energy and growth. Therefore, the best we can do is take what nature has already created and just slightly improve it to meet all the needs of the athlete ... "Magic Milk".
We've removed unwanted ingredients like lactose and trans fats and replaced them with healthy ingredients.
Magic Milk is the perfect support system that every athlete needs. It has 4 strategic ingredients (MicellproTM, LipidEdgeTM, UltiViteTM, and CP2TM) that drive tremendous muscle growth and health.
Flavors: French vanilla, milk chocolate and cream biscuits.
Packages: 1.127 kg and 2.27 kg
Serving Size: 2 Scoops (75 g)
Servings Per Container: 15 & 30
Ingredients per serving:
calories 350
calories of fat 160
total fat 18 g
saturated fat 8g (TCS)
cholesterol 3 mg
sodium 200 mg
total carbohydrates 12 g
dietary fiber 2 g
sugars 6 g
protein 32 g
Mix 2 scoops (75 g) with 250-300 ml of cold water. For a tastier milk neck, mix with low-fat milk.
Magic Milk is your ideal anabolic drink for any time of the day.
Take Magic Milk 1 hour before your workout to recharge your body with the necessary anabolic fuel.
For faster results, take this drink also during and after your workout.
taking "Magic Milk" before bed prevents the breakdown of your muscles and even promotes their rapid recovery and growth.
Remember, sleep is the optimal time to recover. You can recover only if you charge your body with the right fuel, and the right fuel is Magic Milk!
Over 20 years of research has shown that breast milk is great for nourishing the body and contains enough fatty acids, water, protein and amino acids for optimal health, immune defense, energy and growth. Therefore, the best we can do is take what nature has already created and just slightly improve it to meet all the needs of the athlete ... "Magic Milk".
We've removed unwanted ingredients like lactose and trans fats and replaced them with healthy ingredients.
Magic Milk is the perfect support system that every athlete needs. It has 4 strategic ingredients (MicellproTM, LipidEdgeTM, UltiViteTM, and CP2TM) that drive tremendous muscle growth and health.
Flavors: French vanilla, milk chocolate and cream biscuits.
Packages: 1.127 kg and 2.27 kg
Serving Size: 2 Scoops (75 g)
Servings Per Container: 15 & 30
Ingredients per serving:
calories 350
calories of fat 160
total fat 18 g
saturated fat 8g (TCS)
cholesterol 3 mg
sodium 200 mg
total carbohydrates 12 g
dietary fiber 2 g
sugars 6 g
protein 32 g
Mix 2 scoops (75 g) with 250-300 ml of cold water. For a tastier milk neck, mix with low-fat milk.
Magic Milk is your ideal anabolic drink for any time of the day.
Take Magic Milk 1 hour before your workout to recharge your body with the necessary anabolic fuel.
For faster results, take this drink also during and after your workout.
taking "Magic Milk" before bed prevents the breakdown of your muscles and even promotes their rapid recovery and growth.
Remember, sleep is the optimal time to recover. You can recover only if you charge your body with the right fuel, and the right fuel is Magic Milk!
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Ultimate Nutrition
Ultimate Nutrition is one of the leaders in the sports nutrition market. Leadership is driven by a wide range of products as well as the impeccable quality of all Ultimate Nutrition products . The American company Ultimate Nutrition was founded in 1... Read more...Related products
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