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OxyELITE Pro is the new super powerful fat burner from USPLabs! OxyELITE Pro uses compounds that reduce the effectiveness of Alpha-2 receptors, allowing you to burn fat quickly and efficiently!

SUPER THERMOGENIC ™ Pharmaceutical Formulated
Introducing the scientifically proven laser precision - "Super Thermogenic ™" Fat Burner.
It's called OxyELITE Pro ™ - its strength is unmatched and its ability to deliver results is overwhelming. Why is it so easy to gain fat and so hard to lose it? This is simply not fair, but unfortunately it is.
Your fat is held hostage. The reason is alpha-2 receptors - and if fat is your goal - it's your absolute enemy. If Alpha-2 receptors want you to store fat, you will gain fat - and in large quantities - in the worst places.
Alpha-2 receptors are responsible for inhibiting lipolysis - which means they enable the body to store fat and prevent the body from burning it. In other words, the Alpha-2 receptors hold your fat storage hostage and refuse to let go!
Alpha 2 receptors are abundant in some areas of your body and do not exist in others.

As you can see in the picture above, Alpha-2 receptors are mostly found in the abdomen, neck, and buttocks - exactly where you don't want to see fat!
Alpha-2 Receptors are the technical term for "hot spots". When they are active, these areas are "locked up", there is no way to burn fat, and only accumulation occurs, like a bear in preparation for hibernation.
Fortunately, the key ingredients in OxyELITE Pro ™ perform well here. The compounds used block and disable alpha-2 receptors. We use this to our advantage to burn fat quickly and efficiently - exactly where you want it to be!

Amount of Nutrients Per Serving: (1 Scoop) - 1 Capsule
Proprietary Blend 119.5mg *
Bauhinia Purpurea L. (Leaves and Pod) (standardized under Bauhnia-Statins 1-4), Bacopa Monniera (leaves), 1,3-Dimethylamylamine (Geranium [stem]), Cirsium Oligophyllum (Total Plant Extracts), Rauwolscine (Rauvolfia Canesce L. [leaves and roots])
Caffeine 100 mg *

Rauwolfia Canessens (Rowalskine)
Bohinia purpurea extract in healthy adult animals showed an approximately 37% increase in T4 compared to control groups, increasing T3 by an amazing 83%!
If that wasn't enough, another study found that Bohinia purpurea was able to completely reverse the decline in thyroid hormone levels in healthy adult animals given the drugs dexamethasone (a powerful glucocorticoid) and metformin (an antidiabetic drug).
Another reason the increase in thyroid hormone is so important is that it sensitizes or increases the lipolytic effects of adrenergic arousal (i.e., via compounds such as geranium and Kirsium oligophyllum extract, along with caffeine) in fat cells. Based on the results of the studies, the authors concluded that the extract increased the conversion of peripheral T4 to the more potent T3.

Bekopa monniri (leaves)
This plant has also shown a natural increase in the production of thyroid hormones in animal studies. The plant extract increased T4 levels by approximately 41% when compared to control groups. In this case, however, since there was no increase in T3, the authors concluded that the plant extract directly stimulates the release of T4 from the thyroid gland, in contrast to Bohinia purpurea, which increased the conversion of T4 to T3.
By combining two herbal extracts, you can create a situation where your body will produce more T4, and at the same time, more T4 produced will be converted to more metabolically active T3. This combination actually results in a significant increase in energy consumption and a decrease in fat.

Kirsium Oligophyllum (Whole Plant Extract)
The use of this plant is based on animal studies, which showed that compared with the control group, the extract was able to reduce the gain in body weight and fat mass and, in particular, it turned out that subcutaneous fat mass in relation to visceral fat mass decreased almost 9 times!
Pharmacological studies have shown that the active element activates a beta-adrenergic receptor agonist (other beta-adrenergic receptor agonists include compounds such as ephedrine and clenbuterol), and stimulates lipolysis in subcutaneous fat cells. Another similarity that Kirsium oligophyllum extract shares with a beta-adrenergic receptor agonist is that it works synergistically with caffeine to produce a stronger lipolytic effect that exceeds the effect when Kirsium oligophyllum is used alone.
In fact, the potency of combining caffeine and Kirsium Oligophyllum was almost 10 times that of Kirsium Oligophyllum alone.

Caffeine is known for its ability to increase energy expenditure, and also enhances lipolysis and lipid oxidation. In addition, it is known for its ability to enhance feelings of energy, alertness, concentration and euphoric effects.
Everyone adds caffeine to their formulas, but few know why. We have specific goals for which we included it. Along with the benefits that caffeine confers on its own, it also provides a synergistic effect when combined with other ingredients in OxyELITE Pro ™. In particular, caffeine increases the effectiveness of other products found in the formula, including our Geranium extract and also Kirsium oligophyllum.
Studies have shown that caffeine provides a significant increase in the effectiveness of Kirsium oligophyllum extract by inducing lipolysis in subcutaneous fat cells.

Is your fat burner focused on fighting the "wrong fat"?
Note that we said subcutaneous fat cells, as many companies fail to make the distinction when creating fat loss products. Most drugs lead to weight loss when it comes to visceral fat (that is, the fat that surrounds your organs), but when it comes to the appearance of your body, we are interested in subcutaneous fat, which is located under your skin and hides your muscles.

As you can see in the picture above, subcutaneous fat covers your belly. Today's poor fat burners target visceral fat rather than subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat regulation is also important for overall health - and the compounds in OxyELITE Pro ™ fight it too, but as you can see, visceral fat burners have nothing to do with the layer of fat surrounding your muscles. You have to shed excess subcutaneous fat in order to see your real fitness.

Geranium has been used for centuries as a dietary supplement and part of certain crops on a regular basis. Geranium is a compound of - sympathomimetics, aliphatic amines with indirect (for example, by increasing the level of norepinephrine) and / or direct effects on alpha and beta adrenergic receptors. It is very important to consider the effect of this compound on the sympathetic nervous system (SAS) and norepinephrine levels, as SAS and norepinephrine are believed to play important roles when it comes to affecting metabolic rate and especially the rate at which we burn calories at rest.
What does this all mean? This means that this compound can provide the excitement you need for a good workout (that is, feeling more energy and focus) while ensuring that fat is used as fuel for your body.

Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT)
It is often called BAT, or simply brown fat. It is highly metabolically active and is used by the body as fuel to generate heat. Unfortunately, we assumed that we only have a significant amount of brown fat in childhood. We have fallen into the trap of dogmatic thinking. If we are told something many times, and no one disputes it, we begin to believe it.
More recently, scientific research has begun to question the lack of BAT in adults and that it may not play any significant physiological role. So, without further ado, let's delve into the most recent results:
A recent study found that 96% of those assessed had a detectable BAT!
It turned out that those who are overweight have lower BAT levels than those who are thinner. This is no coincidence, as having more BAT has the potential to burn more calories and therefore keep weight low.
It has been estimated that over half of all men and women have at least 10 grams of BAT in their bodies.
BAT is so metabolically active that just 50 grams of BAT can potentially account for up to 20% of an adult's daily energy expenditure.
One subject possessed 63 grams of BAT. It is estimated that if they are fully activated, then this amount of BAT can burn approximately 4.1 kg of fat mass in a year.
This means losing about 4 kilograms of fat without doing anything.

However, there is a problem with typing BATs and activating the few BATs we have. Although cold is one way, it is impossible to expose yourself to cold every day. And beyond that, it has been observed that various changes in the modern human environment, such as isolated rooms, clothing, and heated transport have reduced the need for thermogenesis from BAT and thus the amount of activated BAT falls. But hope is not lost.
There is a method of sympathetic arousal, or in other words, the use of direct and indirect acting sympathomimetics.
First, it's important to understand how BAT delivers such benefits.
Normal white adipose tissue (WAT) (i.e. the tissue around your organs and the tissue that hides your muscles) tends to store excess energy calories as triglycerides (fat). We need this to keep the body from cold and to protect the internal organs. BAT, on the other hand, does not store additional energy, as it instead dissipates this excess energy in the form of heat.

As you can see on the left, brown fat is more "active" and thus can generate much more heat (eg burning fat for energy) than white fat. How to do it? An important factor is a protein called uncoupling protein-1 (UCP-1).

Decoupling protein
This protein is unable to combine oxidative phosphorylation, allowing the release of energy from the food we consume in the form of heat (combustion), instead of being stored as fat. Did you have a very thin friend who always complained that he was very hot all the time, even in the middle of winter? Or the same friends who only eat heavy food, but still manage to stay slim? So, the reason for this is the activity of BAT and UCP-1!

Not the same as DNP (Detonating Component Substitute)
It is important to note that this type of decoupling protein is NOT THE SAME as a dangerous but very effective compound like DNP. Unlike DNP (exogenous substances), UCPs are produced naturally in mammals, including humans.
They release oxidative phosphorylation, providing the same conditions as exogenous breakdowns (eg, weight and fat loss). Although this decoupling is much more limited and does not lead to hyperthermia, it also has various side effects that exogenous breakers such as DNP can produce. Of course, this protein will not lead to the same weight and fat loss results as exogenous breakdowns or DNP, but it will help in fat loss through the same mechanism.
Thus, plants or compounds that increase UCP production support fat loss.

Did you know that about 14% of the increase in metabolism from ephedrine was due to BAT?
First, Geranium extract has sympathomimetic properties and this makes it a good candidate for increasing UCP-1 production and recruiting or rebuilding BAT so that we can use it again.
Secondly, Kirsium oligophyllum activates a beta-adrenergic receptor agonist and shows an actual increase in the activity of UCP-1 in BAT in animal experiments.
Third, caffeine has been shown to increase norepinephrine by up to 75% in a study. An increase in norepinephrine contributes to an increase in the activity of UCP-1 in BAT, unfortunately, this also results in the activation of alpha 2-adrenergic receptors. And it actually inhibits some of the potential lipolytic and thermogenic activity of norepinephrine by inhibiting the activity of adenylate cyclase (that is, an enzyme that takes into account cyclic adenosine monophosphate or the formation of cAMP, which ultimately leads to lipolysis).
This is where Rowalskine comes to the rescue, as an alpha 2-adrenergic receptor antagonist. This prevents inhibition of adenylate cyclase and thus could potentially lead to further increases in cAMP, lipolysis and thermogenesis via UCP-1.
Once again, Rowallskine is showing its superiority over yohimbine. Alpha-1-adrenergic receptors are also activated by norepinephrine and this contributes to increased UCP-1 activity and subsequent thermogenesis. Alpha-1 adrenergic receptors exert this effect by increasing the conversion of T4 to T3 within BAT, which in turn increases the production of UCP-1.
So, while yohimbine has a beneficial effect on fat loss, blocking alpha 1-adrenergic receptor activity spoils everything. Rowalscine is 50 times less effective at antagonizing alpha 1-adrenergic receptors and is therefore a much better fat loss agent.
Last but not least, there are two other plant extracts aimed at increasing T4 production (Bacopa monniri) and increasing the conversion of T4 to T3 (Bohinia purpurea). As we just mentioned, T3 plays a very important role in the development of UCP-1.

As a dietary supplement, take 1 to 2 capsules on an empty stomach before breakfast. Take 1 more capsule on an empty stomach six to eight times later, if needed. Due to the extreme potency of the drug, start with 1 capsule before breakfast and 1 capsule 6-8 hours later to assess tolerance. Do not use for more than 8 weeks followed by a 4 week break. Do not exceed 3 capsules in a 24 hour period.

Warnings: This product is only intended to be consumed by healthy adults 18 years of age or older. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not use this product. Consult your healthcare professional before using this product, especially if you are taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications, dietary supplements, if you have any medical condition, including but not limited to: high or low blood pressure, heart arrhythmia, stroke, heart, liver, kidney, or thyroid gland, seizures, mental illness, diabetes, difficulty urinating due to enlarged prostate, or if you are taking an MAO-B inhibitor or any other medications, including but not limited to MAOIs , SSRIs, or any other compound with serotonergic activity. This product contains caffeine and should not be taken by individuals wishing to eliminate this ingredient from their diet. Discontinue use 2 weeks before surgery. Do not use in combination with caffeine or stimulants from other sources, including but not limited to coffee, tea, soda, or other dietary supplements or medications. Do not combine with alcohol. Discontinue use and contact a healthcare professional immediately if you experience an adverse reaction to this product. Do not exceed recommended servings. Do not use if packaging is broken. This product may contain ingredients that are prohibited by some sports organizations. The user assumes all risks, obligations or conclusions regarding testing. Keep out of the reach of children.

You can buy OxyELITE Pro in the sports nutrition store 5LB.UA

For weight loss

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USPlabs: Ultra-premium quality sports nutrition !!! It all started in Texas in the mid-90s when I then began a comprehensive study of natural herbal compounds. Later, with the help of some of the leading sports scientists, we launched the USPlabs br... Read more...
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