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Omega-3s are polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are so named because of the structure of their carbon-carbon bond at the omega-3 position. They are found in products such as:

  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Tuna
  • Flaxseed
  • Kiwi
  • Walnut

Omega-3 fatty acids are widely known for their many beneficial properties that affect our health. They will help you improve your brain activity, help you reduce body fat, and improve your recovery after a workout, but these facts should already encourage you to use omega fats as your regular Supplement.

What Is Omega-3?

The term "omega-3" refers to a subclass of essential fatty acids (EFAS). These fatty acids are not produced in the body and must be obtained from food or supplements. Additionally they are divided into three types:

  • Alphalinolenic acid (ALA, ALA)
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
EPA and DHA are the two main fatty acids found in food and dietary supplements, while ALA is found in the oil of various seeds. Fish and meat products contain EPA and DHA, so we will focus on these two omega-3 elements.

Who needs omega and what are the symptoms of deficiency? 

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for humans and the minimum daily intake is 1G a day, this norm was derived to prevent diseases caused by a deficiency of these fatty acids.

Symptoms associated with a deficiency of these fats include: acne, cardiovascular disorders, aging, heart disease, hypertension, psoriasis, prostate cancer, schizophrenia, mental illness, lupus, visual impairment, depression, etc.


Main properties and benefits of omega-3 fats:

1. Help maintain healthy blood by affecting triglyceride levels.

Poor nutrition and bad habits negatively affect triglyceride levels in the blood. For some, a genetic predisposition can further worsen the ratio of triglycerides, which over time will lead to the formation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Fortunately, by increasing your daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids, you can help maintain healthy blood triglyceride levels, which will positively affect your health. High levels of low-density lipoproteins are a major risk factor for heart disease.

2. Reduce appetite

Studies show that people who received 1,300 mg of omega fat a day were significantly less likely to feel hungry if they followed a strict diet.

3. Help you burn fat

The consumption of omega-3 together with regular physical activity contributes to the burning of fat deposits. In a study published in the American journal of clinical nutrition, subjects were divided into four groups: those who took only sunflower oil (omega-6), those who took sunflower oil and did exercise, those who took only omega-3, and those who took omega-3 plus exercise.

Subjects in the omega-3 plus exercise group improved their blood cholesterol levels and lost most of their fat compared to any other group. The researchers suggested that a synergistic effect between omega and exercise led to weight loss.

4. Improve cognitive function

In a study published in the European journal of clinical research, it was indicated that daily intake for 5 weeks significantly improves a person's cognitive abilities, compared to the time before starting to take omega fats.

How to choose

As mentioned earlier, you can only get EPA and DHA from outside, along with food or supplements. In turn, supplements are the easiest way to get the right dose of these healthy fats. EPA and DHA are most commonly found in fish oil tablets.

Because of the expensive processing required to produce concentrated EPA and DHA, most brands of fish oil will only contain about 20-30 percent omega from all fats in the capsule. Choose omega fats based on the composition (%omega) and the cost of the Supplement. Remember that you should get about 1G of omega fat per day.

How to accept

For example, if a capsule contains 1G of fish oil with 30% omega content, then this product will correctly take 1 capsule-2-3 times a day with food.

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