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Buttock exercises are aimed at developing the sexiest muscle group in girls and boys. Performing them, you will quickly notice the effect, but if you have a proper and healthy diet.

The buttocks are the largest muscle in the human body. However, despite its size, it is not so easy to work out the gluteal muscles and give them the necessary load.



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Thanks to the presence of massive gluteal muscles, a person has fully adapted to moving on two limbs. In humans, the gluteus Maximus is the pelvic extensor muscle. It does not play an important role when walking, since straightening in the pelvis is mainly provided by the sciatic-popliteal muscles. It is enough to touch the buttocks while walking to notice that their muscles are practically not tense. As soon as the load increases, for example, when walking or running fast, the muscles of the buttocks come into action to energetically straighten the pelvis and straighten the trunk.


1. Lunges with a barbell on the shoulders

The exercise primarily involves the gluteus Maximus.

Выпады со штангой

Performed in a standing upright position. Legs slightly apart. Place the barbell behind the neck on the trapezius muscles: 
- take a breath and step forward, keeping your torso straight. During the lunge, the forward-moving hip should be stabilized in a horizontal position or slightly higher;
- return to the starting position and exhale.

You can perform it in two ways. In a typical step (not wide) increases the load on the quadriceps, a broad step voltage is concentrated on the buttocks-hamstring muscles, gluteus Maximus muscle tension ilio-psoas muscles and of the rectus femoris.

1. performing the exercise with the usual step: mainly the quadriceps of the thighs are developed.
2. Exercise with wide step: developed mostly by large gluteal muscle.

2. Lunges with dumbbells

The exercise mainly develops the glutes and quadriceps of the thighs.

Выпады с гантелями

Performed in a standing position. Legs slightly apart. The back is straight. Dumbbells are in the hands, lowered at the sides: 
- take a breath and take a wide step forward, keeping your torso as straight as possible. When the forward-facing hip becomes horizontal or slightly higher, return it to its original position with a vigorous effort;
- at the end of the movement, exhale

Options: the wider the step, the more involved the gluteus Maximus of the forward-facing thigh and the greater the tension of the iliopsoas muscles and the rectus femoris remaining behind.

3. swing your foot back from the lower block

An excellent exercise that involves mainly the gluteus Maximus and to a lesser extent the sciatico-tibial muscle, excluding the short head of the biceps femoris. 
Exercise allows you to improve the back contour of the leg.

Махи ногой назад

Performed in a standing position facing the simulator. The torso is tilted forward, taking hold of the handrail. One foot is on the floor, and the other is attached to the cuff of the lower block of the simulator: 
- take a breath and pull your hip back, then return to the starting position;
- at the end of the movement to make an exhalation.
The amplitude of hip abduction is limited due to the strain of the iliofemoral ligament.

4. Mahi leg back with the arm simulator

The exercise mainly involves the gluteus Maximus, but also to a lesser extent the semi-tendon, semi-webbed muscles and the long head of the biceps femoris.

Махи ногой назад с рычагом тренажера

Performed in a standing position, holding the handles of the simulator. Lean forward a little. One foot stands on a stand, and the other is placed behind a soft roller, which is located at the level between the knee joint and the ankles: 
- inhale and move the hip back, hold the hip joint in this position with isometric tension for two seconds and return to the starting position;
- to make the exhalation at the end of the movement.

5. Mahi leg back on the floor

Effective exercise performed with a straight leg. Develops the sciatic-popliteal muscles and the gluteus Maximus. When the leg is bent at the knee, only the gluteus Maximus is developed, but less intensively.

Махи ногой назад на полу

Performed in a standing position on one knee with emphasis on the elbows and forearms. Put the knee of the working leg under the chest: 
- take a breath and pull the leg bent under the chest back until the hip is fully straightened.

The upper phase of the movement in this exercise can be performed with large and small amplitudes. At the end of the movement, you can stay in isometric tension for 1-2 seconds.
For greater intensity, weights can be attached to the ankles. 
The availability of the exercise and its effectiveness have made it very popular. It is often used in group classes.

The exercise mainly involves the sciatic-popliteal and large gluteal muscles.

Мостик лежа

Performed while lying on your back. The arms are straight and positioned along the torso. Hands on the floor, knees bent: 
- take a breath and lift your buttocks up off the floor, firmly resting your feet on the floor;
- stay in this position for two seconds and lower the pelvis; do not touch the floor with your buttocks;
- at the end of the movement to make an exhalation.

This exercise mainly involves the sciatic-popliteal and glute muscles.
Do it repeatedly, feeling the tension of the muscles at the top of the pelvic lift in each repetition.

Note: this exercise is accessible and very useful. It is included in the program of most gymnastics courses.

Option 1:

Lifting the pelvis, placing the feet on the bench. Lying on the floor. Hands pressed to the floor. The arms are stretched out at the side of the body. Put your feet on the bench. Hips in an upright position:

- take a breath and lift your buttocks off the floor-Hold this position for two seconds, and then go down without touching the floor with your buttocks;
- at the end of the movement to make an exhalation. 
This exercise develops the large gluteal muscles and mainly the sciatico-popliteal muscles, which are involved to a much greater extent at the time of lifting the pelvis from the floor. 

The exercise is performed slowly, because the most important thing is to feel obvious muscle tension. Good results can be achieved by performing this exercise in several sets with 10-15 repetitions.

Another option: while lifting the pelvis, place the calves on the bench. In this position, the sciatico-popliteal muscles and the calf muscles that are in tension are more intensively involved.

Option 2:

The exercise is performed with a small amplitude, without lowering the pelvis low to the floor and trying to achieve a sense of muscle fatigue.

7. swing your foot to the side from the lower block

A useful exercise involves the middle gluteal muscle and the deeper small gluteal muscle. For effectiveness, repeat the exercise until you feel tired.

Махи ногой в сторону с нижнего блока

The exercise is performed in a standing position sideways to the simulator. The body is straight, with one hand holding the handrail. The support leg is closer to the simulator, and the cuff of the lower block of the simulator is attached to the working leg: 
- take a breath and move your leg to the side as high as possible, then return to the starting position;
- at the end of the movement to make an exhalation.

8. swing your foot to the side with the simulator lever

The exercise is a great way for the formation of the gluteus Medius muscle and gluteus minor muscles, located deeper. For best results, we recommend doing this exercise more often and with multiple repetitions.

Махи ногой в сторону с рычагом тренажера

Is performed while standing on the treadmill. One foot stands on the stand, and the other rests on the outside of the roller. The roller is located below the knee joint: 
- take a breath and move your leg to the side, moving the roller up as high as possible and slowly return to the starting position;
- at the end of the movement to make an exhalation. If you feel that the lead is limited, it means that the neck of the femur rests on the edge of the acetabulum.

9. Kicks to the side, lying on your side

In this exercise, you can use full and partial amplitudes of movement or apply an isometric force, holding the leg in the upper phase for a few seconds. 
You can also lift your leg with the movement slightly forward and backward.
For greater efficiency, a small weight can be attached to the ankle.

Махи ногой в сторону, лежа на боку

Performed while lying on your side. Rest your head on the palm of your bent hand. 
- take a breath and lift your leg up from the floor while keeping your knee straight. The angle of withdrawal should not exceed 70°, return To the starting position by lowering the leg;
- at the end of the movement to make an exhalation. This exercise involves the middle and small glutes.

10. Raising the legs on the simulator

Very effective exercise, great for women, because the increased muscle tone of the thighs gives them roundness, which allows you to highlight the waist.

Разведение ног на тренажере

The exercise is performed sitting on the simulator: 
- take a breath and spread your thighs as wide as possible.

If the back of the simulator is strongly tilted back, then the middle gluteal muscles are more loaded. If the back is not too tilted or vertical, then the upper part of the gluteus Maximus receives more of the load. 


The illustrations for the article are taken from the book "Anatomy of strength exercises"by Frederick Delavier.

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